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Visualize Your Work

Optimized Work Visualization

Optimized Work Visualization

Switch between the various project views hassle-free. All you need are single clicks and you can cycle through the views as per your requirements.

Your Project Your View

Easy custom view creation within projects lets you and your team view all the essential information with ease of access. Managers can make multiple views as per their needs.

Your Project Your View
Dynamic Scheduling

Dynamic Scheduling

Update your project timeline quickly and easily. DeskTrack lets you instantly add new tasks from the toolbar with a single click within a few seconds.

Scheduling Simplified

View the upcoming and current tasks in colored time blocks. Easily manage the progress details including start time, end time, duration, and more.

Scheduling Simplified
Manage The Total Work Hours

Manage The Total Work Hours

Managers can easily keep track of the total work hours spent on each task daily. Employees can also update their daily activities within a few minutes for better coordination.

Boost Productivity To the Next Level

Calendar View Provides



View your employees’ timelines user-wise and projectwise. Easily view the data on project status in time blocks. All data is shown in real-time for work optimization.

Total Time

Total Time

Click on the time blocks and view essential details such as task status and the total time taken to complete it.

View Details

View Details

Click on the time blocks and view essential details such as task status and the total time taken to complete it.

Team Calendar

Team Calendar

Managers can view and edit team calendars with a single click. This makes their management work simple and effective. DeskTrack offers the most customizable calendar view.



Employees can manually enter task details and send them to managers from our user-friendly desktop app. Likewise, managers can see these metrics from their calendar view.

How DeskTrack Generates Accurate Reports

How the Calendar View Works

The calendar view is a project management view of DeskTrack, which makes time management a hassle-free task. Managers can view daily tasks projects and user-wise with these details.

  • Let you create shifts and add as many employees as you want
    Time blocks containing task status details.
  • You can adjust them as far in advance as you prefer
    Details of each time block.
  • Optimal Processes
    Add new tasks within a few seconds with a single click.
  • Optimal Processes
    Easily keep track of the productivity and performance of their team members.
  • Optimal Processes
    A user-friendly interface that shows every detail in a simple format.

Get Started with DeskTrack

Get DeskTrack today and start viewing optimized calendar views and reports to properly manage your tasks. Get started now.


What Our Clients Think

With DeskTrack, project management is easy now. We are able to reach a timeline within the delivery dates and produce productivity employee wise. Our Project management process has become smoother and aligned. Projects and Employees are more planned .

Keith Corrigan

CEO at small business

Automated project time tracking helps rectify lags in time deliverables and imitate what is going wrong. Employees are more focused towards work and self analysis is helping them analyze distractions and efficient time management.

Shailendra Revankar

Owner at small business

Great tool to maintain a balance between office and work from home employees. We get a clearer picture of what has been worked upon and how efficient we are at work. Being a manager I can get a clear picture of what is going on in just a few seconds.


Managing Director at small business

DeskTrack gave us a one stop solution regarding login and logout times of employees. It enables the visibility of productivity by telling who is “Working Late” instead of “Staying late”. It has great dashboards and awesome real time reports.

Todd Bavol

Managing Director

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the DeskTrack.

Using the calendar view depends on the projects and various factors affecting it. For instance, use calendar view if:
  • Your project’s end date is unspecified.
  • The tasks can be freely completed unordered.
  • You want to only check the progress weekly or monthly.

You don’t have to manually make a calendar view in DeskTrack. Our software automatically does it for you. Furthermore:
  • The report is updated daily as your staff submits their tasks.
  • Managers can easily add new tasks with a single click.
  • Managers get a simple format and a user-friendly interface to view the various task statuses.
  • Viewing details of each time block only takes a single click.

DeskTrack is the preferred software for many companies to see tasks in calendar view. Here’s why?
  • DeskTrack makes it very simple to view and manage every project and task.
  • Managers can effectively add and remove tasks with a single click.
  • Viewing details projectwise and user-wise is a breeze.
  • The online dashboard ensures viewing the task status from anywhere possible for ease of access.